TCM -Traditional Chinese Medicine

Tangible Acupuncture Wacht  the video : I was fortunate to have Andrew Nugent-Head, the founder of the Association for Traditional Studies, as my first acupuncture teacher. Meet Our Practitioners You might ask—what is tangible acupuncture? Coming from a background in Qigong and internal martial arts, interacting with Qi inside my body was something…


Movement research, Part II Transformation of the dancer to the wider gate    

Movement research, Part II Transformation of the dancer to the wider gate       Clear manifestation of my research in Three particular movement languages categories : Movement language called;  “Gaga” Internal Martial arts concepts; Taiji 太極; , Baguazhang  八卦掌 ,  Xing Yi Quan;  形意拳 Daoyin, Qigong I was mesmerized the very first time I witnessed…


Daoyin,  導引

Dao 導: direct, guide, lead, conduct yin 引: to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch The origin of movement lies in stillness and the roots of stillness lie in movement. Experiencing stillness is what we all ultimately have experienced as it was our origin , it did already exist. The practice of Daoyin has been…


Movement research, Part I, Transformation of the dancer to the wider gate

  抬着脚尖想要提高自己, 反而站立不稳; 俩步并作一步的走, 反而走不快; 只凭自己的眼睛去看反而看不清; 只凭自己的主观意识去判断反而判不清是非; 自我夸耀的反而没有功劳; 自大自满的反而不能长久。 这些行为都是多余、累赘不堪的东西, 就如同剩饭、赘瘤, 不仅无益, 反而有害。万物都厌恶它, 所以修道人一定要避它。 白话翻译 Dao De Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 24 “He who stands on tiptoe is not steady, He who holds legs stiffly cannot walk. He who looks at self does not see clearly. He who asserts himself does not shine.…
